How an Ordinary Website Design is Killing Your Business

Poor website design = Poor Business
Here’s a sad scenario.
A prospective and interested client is referred to you by a friend, family or colleague.
Before the client contacts you – they visit your website. It is quite natural as they want to know more about you and your business.
But then, silence. They don’t email you. They don’t call for an appointment. Nothing.
Suddenly your warm lead just turned cold. Your website scared them away. Yes, you read that right!
Instead of giving them the confidence that you can help them with their requirement, your website did just the opposite. It gives a feeling of uneasiness, uncertainty, and doubt about you and your company.
Your bad website can totally ruin your business, and you can lose your potential customers to your competitors that offer inferior services to yours but has a better website than you.
Getting clients is already very hard. Don’t make it even harder by having an outdated website that repels prospective clients.

How an Ordinary Website Design Can Hurt your Online Business

It is important that your website runs smoothly, has the proper conversion tools and allows the visitors to get the information they are looking for. Your website says a lot about your business. Not only the content, but the look and feel of your web can influence your audience’s perception of your business.
So it should be functionally efficient and usable. Below are some of the reasons listed as how an outdated website design hampers your business.

Difficulty in navigation and lack of call to action:

If your website is hard to navigate, takes the time to load or does not have a strong call to action, it will lose your customers in no time. Difficulty in finding what they are looking for will discourage them in your services and immediately push them away from your web.
Customers nowadays don’t have patience and want everything at their fingertips, so slow and the outdated web will ruin your business.

Unattractive website:

If the design of your website is not appealing to the customers, there are fewer chances that they will gain trust in your business. Your web is the first impression of your business and lack of good design fails to attract customers resulting in failure of your business.
Outdated websites can also be associated with suspicious websites. People going through your web may also think that you’re going to take their money and will never deliver what they ordered. You might think that the design of your website isn’t important but that’s not true.
The design of your website has a big impact on someone’s perception of your business. That can be the difference between them becoming a customer or going to your competitor even if they actually could not offer better services than yours.

Non-Responsive Website:

Nowadays people mostly browse on their Smartphone’s and if your website is not mobile-friendly it tends to find less or no attention. If your website is not responsive, you’re providing your audience a poor user experience and it also affects your search rankings in mobile search results.
If someone wants to purchase from your web and they are using their phone and if your web is not mobile compatible you can lose a prospective sale in no time.

No reviews or testimonials:

People trust reviews more than your marketing material. People look for the reviews and testimonials before making any purchase from the website. Reviews also become important if someone has never heard or used your company before. A lack of review can put anyone off and convince them to buy from your competitor who has reviews.
If your website is outdated and hasn’t been updated in the past few years, it’s time to get it redesigned. I can help you refresh your website strategy with latest web design that is made to impress. Learn more about my services here!

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